For the uninformed, Akshay Kumar was the third Bollywood celebrity to join the firm, which also sells tobacco goods, following Ajay Devgn and Shah Rukh Khan.Fans were not pleased with Akshay Kumar’s decision to join the brand. The actor has now issued an apology to his fans on Instagram, writing: “I am sorry. Please accept my sincere apologies on behalf of myself, my followers, and well-wishers. I’ve been tremendously impacted by your reaction over the last few days. While I do not support tobacco and will not do so in the future, I appreciate your feelings in light of my affiliation with Vimal Elaichi. I take a step back (sic) with complete humility.”
The actor went on to say that he has opted to donate the entirety of his endorsement compensation to a good cause. He went on to say: “I’ve made the decision to donate the entire endorsement compensation to a worthwhile cause. The brand may continue to run the commercials until the end of the legally obligated contract, but I promise to be exceedingly cautious in my future decisions. In exchange, I will always ask for your love and best wishes.
In terms of acting, Akshay was most recently seen in Bachchhan Pandey. Raksha Bandhan, Ram Setu, Prithviraj, and Selfie are his upcoming films.