The Gala Event of BizTree Networking Community
27th May, 2023 , Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Today at a Gala Award Function organized at Silver Cloud Hotel, around 250+ happy members of Biztreez networking and business community came together to celebrate the commendable success of their recently concluded month long Business Networking Battle called KURUKSHETRA. These members performed in the gala event and showcased their inner talent. There was a Skit performance along with Singing and Dancing. Comedian Naresh Vohra also attended the function to entertain the members.
Over 200 Business Entrepreneurs and SME Sector members of Biztreez Networking Community had participated in a month long Networking and Business Event called Kurukshetra. The members were divided into 16 teams and across 4 chapters and they generated business worth of Rs. 34 Crores 35 Lakhs during this 32 days of competition. Over 40 new members got impressed by the professional working style and business growth strategies of this community and joined in.
Founder and Conceptualizer of Biztreez Community – Mrs Rriddhi M Ravvall shared, “Our recently concluded networking battle Kurukshetra was a battle of Business and our entrepreneurs of Biztreez community showed their true business sense. Almost all the industries associated in our community got businesses or references during this competition. I really congratulate the passion of members like Mr. Naman Joshee who gave their own place to exhibit the products of their competitors and members of different groups to help them generate business. This time results are amazing.. When we say gender doesn’t matter in BizTreez we feel that anyone can be an entrepreneur. Male and Female ratio is equal in winners. I am more than happy for their efforts. And wish them all the best for future.”
The Amazing Entrepreneurial Winner Leaders of Biztreez at the recently concluded Kurukshetra event are:
The Award Winners of Kurukshetra
Devanshi Dave – Pruthvi – Aarambh
Krupali Joshi – Krupali’s turquoise – Aasman
Naman Joshee – Legends – Anant
Devang Trivedi – Devang’s Warriors – Avyan